Yes, off we go to meet up for a late Birthday lunch ( Diana's) with Hamish and Melba. I ride the bike to Tooley St with my brand new GPS. I scatter pedestrians as I navigate thru shared walkways at Borough Markets. I get to one end of Tooley Street. It is one way against me because of roadworks. But there is a cycle way. l look at it. A man in a fluoro jacket stops me No way Jose! I go round the block and end up outside the Shard ! I try again. The man in the jacket again is not going to let me thru. I am only 500 metres from the restaurant and stymied. OK - some boldness is required here. I wait until the man in the fluoro jacket looks the other way. I rev up and go barrelling full speed down the very narrow cycleway. The man in the fluoro jacket looks up startled and sees a 500kg motorbike coming straight at him. He jumps out of the way. He has too! He makes a threatening gesture. I wave back. Good luck with noting down my NZ number plates mate ! We are at the restaurant.

A very nice lunch. In fact superb. Then I realise that Tower Bridge is just around the corner. I ride onto it. Lights flash, a gate closes in the middle of the bridge and lo the bridge opens up for a boat.

And here is Tower Bridge in action

And the Towe of London itself

Then after a U turn in the middle of Tower Bridge ( very satisfying!) it is back to Greenwich and the bike gets all packed up. It is a big day tomorrow as I think we will go on a ride to Cape Town. And Diana gets on tomorrow so it is back to " 2 up " fully laden riding.
FYI Dick - your photos are not loading on either phone or computer.